In accordance with the Human Resources programming of the Fundación Instituto de Hidráulica Ambiental de Cantabria and with the needs of the projects programmed in its Action Plan, it is necessary to fill the position of 1 PROJECT ASSISTANT.


Project assistant in the field of fluvial metabolism and carbon dynamics.

This position is part of the Drying rivers and climate change (DRYVER) project, whose main objective is to investigate how biodiversity, ecosystem functions and services in temporary river networks are altered by climate change through empirical work and modeling strategies. Within the DRYVER project, FIHAC researchers are working on the characterization, modeling and prediction of river metabolism and carbon dynamics at relevant spatial and temporal scales. The candidate will conduct a literature review and a compilation and review of databases for modeling carbon dynamics and river metabolism. He/she will also assist researchers in the optimization and implementation of specific tools and codes to calculate functional indicators and in the development of analysis and modeling strategies to determine the main environmental factors that influence carbon dynamics in temporal fluvial ecosystems. As a final result, he will participate in the elaboration of scientific reports and articles.


The deadline for submission of documents is November 28, 2022, at 24:00 h.